#ifndef __MACHO_HPP__
#define __MACHO_HPP__

// Macho - C++ Machine Objects
// The Machine Objects class library (in short Macho) allows the creation of
// state machines based on the "State" design pattern in straight C++. It
// extends the pattern with the option to create hierarchical state machines,
// making it possible to convert the popular UML statechart notation to working
// code in a straightforward way. Other features are entry and exit actions,
// state histories and state variables.
// Copyright (c) 2005 by Eduard Hiti (feedback to reverse:de.ehiti@macho)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// You are encouraged to provide any changes, extensions and corrections for
// this software to the author at the above-mentioned email address for
// inclusion into future versions.
// Description:
// States are represented as C++ classes. The hierarchy of states follows the
// inheritance relation between these state classes. A set of state classes for
// a single state machine derives directly or indirectly from a top state class,
// making it the composite state holding all other states. Events are processed
// by calling virtual methods of the top state class. Substates redefine the
// behaviour of these event handler methods.
// Special methods "entry", "exit" and "init" are called on state entry, state
// exit and state initialization of super- and substates (in the order defined
// by statechart semantics and current machine state).
// An object of type "Machine" maintains the current state of a state machine
// and dispatches events to it. The "Machine" type is a template class
// parametrized with the top state class of the state machine to be run.
// State data is not kept in state classes (because state class instances are
// created just once and then reused, whereas state data should be instantiated
// or destroyed each time its state is entered or left). State data is put in
// "Box" types specific to each state class instead, which are managed by the
// Machine object. Boxes are retrieved by calling the "box" method.
// Superstate boxes are accessible by qualifiying the "box" method with the
// state class name (e.g. TOP::box()).
// A history of entered substates can be kept for superstates. With a special
// transition into the superstate the history substate can be reentered. History
// can be shallow (only direct substates) or deep (any substate).
// Example:
// #include "Macho.hpp"
// #include <iostream>
// using namespace std;
// namespace Example {
//  TOPSTATE(Top) {
//      struct Box {
//          Box() : data(0) {}
//          long data;
//      };
//      STATE(Top)
//      virtual void event1() {}
//      virtual void event2() {}
//  private:
//      void entry();
//      void exit();
//      void init();
//  };
//  SUBSTATE(Super, Top) {
//      STATE(Super)
//      HISTORY()
//  private:
//      void entry();
//      void exit();
//  };
//  SUBSTATE(StateA, Super) {
//      struct Box {
//          Box() : data(0) {}
//          int data;
//      };
//      STATE(StateA)
//      void event1();
//   private:
//      void entry();
//      void exit();
//      void init(int i);
//  };
//  SUBSTATE(StateB, Super) {
//      STATE(StateB)
//      void event2();
//  private:
//      void entry();
//      void exit();
//  };
//  void Top::entry() { cout << "Top::entry" << endl; }
//  void Top::exit() { cout << "Top::exit" << endl; }
//  void Top::init() { setState<StateA>(42); }
//  void Super::entry() { cout << "Super::entry" << endl; }
//  void Super::exit() { cout << "Super::exit" << endl; }
//  void StateA::entry() { cout << "StateA::entry" << endl; }
//  void StateA::init(int i) { box().data = i; }
//  void StateA::exit() { cout << "StateA::exit" << endl; }
//  void StateA::event1() { setState<StateB>(); }
//  void StateB::entry() { cout << "StateB::entry" << endl; }
//  void StateB::exit() { cout << "StateB::exit" << endl; }
//  void StateB::event2() { setState<StateA>(); }
// }
// int main() {
//  Macho::Machine<Example::Top> m;
//  m->event1();
//  m->event2();
//  return 0;
// }
// Output is:
// Top::entry
// Super::entry
// StateA::entry
// StateA::exit
// StateB::entry
// StateB::exit
// StateA::entry
// StateA::exit
// Super::exit
// Top::exit
// Version History:
//    0.9.7 (released 2007-12-1):
//       - Introduction of template states
//       - fixed rare memory leak
//    0.9.6 (released 2007-09-01):
//       - Changes to state transition semantics (see file "changes_0_9_6.txt")
//       - New mechanism for state initialization
//       - Runtime reflection on state relationships now possible
//    0.9.5 (released 2007-05-01):
//       - Introduction of parametrized state transitions
//    0.9.4 (released 2006-06-01):
//       - Snapshot functionality added
//    0.9.3 (released 2006-04-20):
//       - Code reorganization (file Macho.cpp added)
//    0.9.2 (released 2006-04-10):
//       - Memory leak plugged
//       - MSVC6 version updated
//    0.9.1 (released 2006-03-30):
//       - Introduction of persistent boxes
//       - Speed and size optimizations
//       - Machine instance can be accessed in event handlers with method "machine"
//    0.9 (released 2006-01-15):
//       - Introduction of queuable event type
//    0.8.2 (released 2005-12-15):
//       - Code size reduction by minimizing use of template classes
//    0.8.1 (released 2005-12-01):
//       - Added MSVC6 variant (see directory "msvc6")
//       - Added method "clearHistoryDeep"
//    0.8 (released 2005-11-01):
//       - Initial release

#include <new>
#include <cassert>

class TestAccess;

// Various macros for state and history declaration

// Use this macro to define your top state class.
#define TOPSTATE(TOP) \
    struct TOP : public ::Macho::Link< TOP, ::Macho::TopBase< TOP > >

// Use this macro for all other state classes.
    struct STATE : public ::Macho::Link< STATE, SUPERSTATE >

// Use this macro for template states that receive an anchor as template
// parameter.
    struct STATE : public ::Macho::Link< STATE<typename SUPERSTATE::ANCHOR>, typename SUPERSTATE::SELF >

// Use this macro in your class definition to give it state functionality
// (mandatory). If you have a state box declare it BEFORE macro invocation!
#define STATE(S) \
public: \
    typedef S SELF; \
    typedef S ANCHOR; /* Anchor is the first non-template state in the inheritance chain */ \
    /* Constructor and destructor already defined: you can't (and shouldn't) have your own! */ \
    /* For the user a state class "constructor" and "destructor" are its entry and exit method! */ \
    S(::Macho::_StateInstance & instance) : LINK(instance) {} \
    ~S() {} \
    static const char * _state_name() { return #S; } \
    /* Get to your Box with this method: */ \
    Box & box() { return *static_cast<Box *>(_box()); } \
    friend class ::_VS8_Bug_101615;

// Use this macro in your template class definition to give it state functionality
// (mandatory). If you have a state box declare it BEFORE macro invocation!
#define TSTATE(S) \
    typedef S SELF; \
    typedef typename S::SUPER SUPER; \
    typedef typename S::TOP TOP; \
    typedef typename S::ANCHOR ANCHOR; /* Anchor is the first non-template state in the inheritance chain */ \
    typedef ::Macho::Link<S, SUPER> LINK; \
    S(::Macho::_StateInstance & instance) : LINK(instance) {} \
    ~S() {} \
    static const char * _state_name() { return #S; } \
    typename S::Box & box() { return *static_cast<typename S::Box *>(this->_box()); } \
    friend class ::_VS8_Bug_101615; \
    using LINK::dispatch; \
    using LINK::machine; \
    /* must have these methods to quieten gcc */ \
    template<class U> void setState() { LINK::template setState<U>(); } \
    template<class U, class P1> void setState(const P1 & p1) { LINK::template setState<U, P1>(p1); } \
    template<class U, class P1, class P2> void setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2) { LINK::template setState<U, P1, P2>(p1, p2); } \
    template<class U, class P1, class P2, class P3> void setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3) { LINK::template setState<U, P1, P2>(p1, p2, p3); } \
    template<class U, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4> void setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4) { LINK::template setState<U, P1, P2>(p1, p2, p3, p4); } \
    template<class U, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5> void setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4, const P5 & p5) { LINK::template setState<U, P1, P2>(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5); } \
    template<class U, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5, class P6> void setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4, const P5 & p5, const P6 & p6) { LINK::template setState<U, P1, P2>(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6); } \
    template<class U> void setStateHistory() { LINK::template setStateHistory<U>(); } \
    void setState(const class Alias & state) { LINK::setState(state); }

// Use this macro to select deep history strategy.
#define DEEPHISTORY() \
private: \
    /* If no superstate has history, SUPER::_setHistorySuper is a NOOP */ \
    virtual void _saveHistory(::Macho::_StateInstance & self, ::Macho::_StateInstance & shallow, ::Macho::_StateInstance & deep) \
    { self.setHistory(&deep); SELF::SUPER::_setHistorySuper(self, deep); } \
protected: \
    /* Substates may use _setHistorySuper to bubble up history */ \
    virtual void _setHistorySuper(::Macho::_StateInstance & self, ::Macho::_StateInstance & deep) \
    { self.setHistorySuper(deep); } \

// Use this macro to select shallow history strategy.
#define HISTORY() \
private: \
    /* If no superstate has history, SUPER::_setHistorySuper is a NOOP */ \
    virtual void _saveHistory(::Macho::_StateInstance & self, ::Macho::_StateInstance & shallow, ::Macho::_StateInstance & deep) \
    { self.setHistory(&shallow); SELF::SUPER::_setHistorySuper(self, deep); } \
protected: \
    /* Substates may use _setHistorySuper to bubble up history */ \
    virtual void _setHistorySuper(::Macho::_StateInstance & self, ::Macho::_StateInstance & deep) \
    { self.setHistorySuper(deep); } \

// Use this macro to have boxes survive state transitions
#define PERSISTENT() \
private: \
    virtual void _deleteBox(::Macho::_StateInstance & instance) {} \

// Everything else is put into namespace 'Macho'.
// Some identifiers are prefixed with an underscore to prevent name clashes with
// deriving classes or to mark things as library internal. Don't touch things
// with an underscore prefix!
namespace Macho {

    class _MachineBase;

    template<class T>
    class Machine;

    template<class T>
    class IEvent;

    class _StateInstance;

    // Unique identifier of states, build from consecutive integers.
    // Use Alias to get to ID.
    typedef unsigned int ID;

    // Key is used to build Alias object (points to _KeyData).
    typedef void * Key;

    // Metaprogramming tools

    // Check type equality at compile time.
    template<class T, class U>
    struct _SameType {

    template<class T>
    struct _SameType<T, T> {
        typedef bool Check;

    // Remove reference modifier from type.
    template<class R>
    struct DR {
        typedef R T;

    template<class R>
    struct DR<R &> {
        typedef R T;

    template<class R>
    struct DR<const R &> {
        typedef R T;

    // Superstate for template states: allows multiple numbered instances of the same
    // template state for a single anchor state.
    template<class T, int I>
    struct Anchor : public T {
        typedef Anchor<T, I> SELF;
        typedef SELF ANCHOR;
        enum { NUMBER = I };

        Anchor(_StateInstance & instance) : T(instance) {}

    // Box for states which don't declare own Box class.
    class _EmptyBox {
        _EmptyBox() {}
        static _EmptyBox theEmptyBox;

    // Helper functions for box creation
    template<class B>
    void * _createBox(void * & place) {
        if (!place)
            place = ::operator new(sizeof(B));

        new (place) B;

        void * box = place;
        place = 0;

        return box;

    template<class B>
    void _deleteBox(void * & box, void * & place) {

        static_cast<B *>(box)->~B();
        place = box;
        box = 0;

    template<class B>
    void * _cloneBox(void * other) {
        return new B(*static_cast<B *>(other));

    // Specializations for EmptyBox:
    // EmptyBox object gets reused over and over and never is deleted.
    void * _createBox<_EmptyBox>(void * & place);

    void _deleteBox<_EmptyBox>(void * & box, void * & place);

    void * _cloneBox<_EmptyBox>(void * other);

    // Essential information pointed at by state key.
    struct _KeyData {
        typedef _StateInstance & (*Generator)(_MachineBase & machine);
        typedef bool (*Predicate)(Key);
        typedef const char * (*NameFn)();

        // Get StateInstance object from key.
        const Generator instanceGenerator;

        // Is state of given key a child state?
        const Predicate childPredicate;

        const NameFn name;
        const ID id;

    // Base class for all state classes.
    // Also serves as 'Root' state. By entering this state we trigger entry
    // and exit actions of user's top state.
    class _StateSpecification {
        virtual ~_StateSpecification() {}

        static bool isChild(Key key) {
            return false;

        _StateSpecification(_StateInstance & instance)
            : _myStateInstance(instance)

        // Initiate transition to a new state.
        // Template parameter S is the new state to enter.
        // Transition is performed AFTER control flow returns to the Machine object.
        // Initiating more than one transition is considered an error!
        // The new state may receive parameters for its 'init' methods:
        // setState<StateA>("someData");
        template<class S>
        void setState();

        template<class S, class P1>
        void setState(const P1 & p1);

        template<class S, class P1, class P2>
        void setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2);

        template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3>
        void setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3);

        template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4>
        void setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4);

        template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5>
        void setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4, const P5 & p5);

        template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5, class P6>
        void setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4, const P5 & p5, const P6 & p6);

        // Initiate transition to a state's history.
        // If state has no history, transition is to the state itself.
        template<class S>
        void setStateHistory();

        // Initiate transition to a new state.
        // Parameter 'state' is the new state to enter.
        // See above and class 'Alias' for more information.
        void setState(const class Alias & state);

        // Deprectated!
        template<class S>
        void setStateBox(typename S::Box * box = 0);

        // Deprectated!
        template<class S>
        void setStateDirect(typename S::Box * box = 0);

        // 'Restore from snapshot' event: set current state.
        // Default implementation: Does not trigger entry actions!
        virtual void _restore(_StateInstance & current);

        // only to be used in _restore
        void setState(_StateInstance & current);

        // 'Shutdown machine' event: exit all states.
        // Default implementation: Triggers exit actions!
        // Override empty to omit calling exit actions.
        virtual void _shutdown();

        // This is the method to bubble up history information
        // for states whose superstates have no history (so does nothing).
        virtual void _setHistorySuper(_StateInstance & self, _StateInstance & deep) {}

        // State exit. Not allowed to initiate state change.
        virtual void exit() {}

        // State entry. Not allowed to initiate state change.
        virtual void entry() {}

        // Special kind of state entry: Upon transition to a new state,
        // entry methods of that state and its superstates are called;
        // 'init' however is called only on the one state the transition
        // actually goes to.
        // Is allowed to change state (to child states).
        virtual void init() {}

        // C++ needs something like package visibility

        // for _myStateInstance
        template<class T>
        friend class TopBase;

        // for _getInstance
        template<class C, class P>
        friend class Link;

        friend class _StateInstance;
        friend class _RootInstance;

        friend class _MachineBase;

        // Create StateInstance object of state.
        static _StateInstance & _getInstance(_MachineBase & machine);

        virtual void _deleteBox(_StateInstance & instance) {}

        // Default history strategy (no history).
        virtual void _saveHistory(_StateInstance & self, _StateInstance & shallow, _StateInstance & deep) {}

        _StateInstance & _myStateInstance;

    // Base class for user defined top state (and indirectly all other states).
    template<class T>
    class TopBase : public _StateSpecification {
        // This typedef is an alias for user defined top state in all (sub)states.
        typedef T TOP;

        TopBase(_StateInstance & instance)
            : _StateSpecification(instance)

        void dispatch(IEvent<TOP> * event);

        _MachineBase & machine();

    // This class links substate specifications to superstate specifications by
    // deriving from the superstate and being derived from by the substate.
    // Substates inherit event handlers from superstates for reuse or redefinition
    // this way.
    template<class C, class P>
    class Link : public P {
        // Alias for superstate.
        typedef P SUPER;

        // Alias for topstate.
        typedef typename P::TOP TOP;

        // Default box type.
        typedef _EmptyBox Box;

        // Key is used to build Alias.
        static Key key();

        // Alias represents state.
        static Alias alias();

        static bool isChild(Key other) {
            return key() == other || SUPER::isChild(other);

        static bool isParent(Key other) {
            return static_cast<_KeyData *>(other)->childPredicate(key());

        // Is machine m in this state?
        static bool isCurrent(const _MachineBase & m);

        // Deprecated!
        // Is machine m in exactly this state?
        static bool isCurrentDirect(const _MachineBase & m);

        static void clearHistory(_MachineBase & m);

        static void clearHistoryDeep(_MachineBase & m);

        static Alias history(const _MachineBase & m);

        // Needed to perform compile time checks.
        typedef Link<C, P> LINK;

        Link(_StateInstance & instance);

        // These definitions seem redundant but they are not!
        // They override parent definitions so each substate gets either
        // this default or their own, but never its parents definitions.
        virtual void entry() {}
        virtual void init() {}
        virtual void exit() {}

        // This method keeps '_myStateInstance' attribute private.
        void * _box();

        // for _getInstance
        template<class U, class V>
        friend class Link;

        // for _getInstance
        friend class _StateSpecification;

        // for _getInstance
        friend class Machine<TOP>;

        // for _getInstance
        friend class Alias;

        // for Tests
        friend class ::TestAccess;

        // Create StateInstance object of state.
        static _StateInstance & _getInstance(_MachineBase & machine);

        // Box is by default not persistent. Not redundant!
        virtual void _deleteBox(_StateInstance & instance);

        // Default history strategy (no history). Not redundant!
        virtual void _saveHistory(_StateInstance & self, _StateInstance & shallow, _StateInstance & deep) {
            // Bubble up history. If no superstate has history, _setHistorySuper will do nothing.
            this->_setHistorySuper(self, deep);

        _StateInstance & _myStateInstance;

    // Unique identifier for state S.
    template<class S>
    class StateID {
        static const ID value;

    // StateInstance maintains machine specific data about a state. Keeps history, box
    // and state object for state. StateInstance object is created the first time state
    // is entered. There is at most one StateInstance object per state per machine
    // instance.
    class _StateInstance {
        _StateInstance(_MachineBase & machine, _StateInstance * parent);

        virtual ~_StateInstance();

        // Perform entry actions.
        // 'first' is true on very first call.
        void entry(_StateInstance & previous, bool first = true);

        // Perform exit actions.
        void exit(_StateInstance & next);

        // Perform init action.
        void init(bool history);

        void saveHistory(_StateInstance & shallow, _StateInstance & deep) {
            // Check state's history strategy.
            mySpecification->_saveHistory(*this, shallow, deep);

        // Update superstate's history information:
        void setHistorySuper(_StateInstance & deep) {
            if (myParent)
                // Let it choose between deep or shallow history.
                myParent->saveHistory(*this, deep);

        // Copy state of another StateInstance object.
        void copy(_StateInstance & original);

        // Create a clone of StateInstance object for another machine.
        _StateInstance * clone(_MachineBase & newMachine);

        void shutdown() {

        void restore(_StateInstance & instance) {

        virtual ID id() = 0;

        virtual Key key() = 0;

        virtual const char * name() = 0;

        // 'Virtual constructor' needed for cloning.
        virtual _StateInstance * create(_MachineBase & machine, _StateInstance * parent) = 0;

        virtual void createBox() = 0;
        virtual void deleteBox() = 0;
        virtual void cloneBox(void * box) = 0;

        // Only needed for top state (constructor of Machine calls this)
        void setBox(void * box) {

            if (myBoxPlace) {
                // Free cached memory of previously used box.
                ::operator delete(myBoxPlace);
                myBoxPlace = 0;

            myBox = box;

        // Is 'instance' a superstate?
        bool isChild(const _StateInstance & instance) {
            return this == &instance || (myParent && myParent->isChild(instance));

        _StateSpecification & specification() {
            return *mySpecification;

        void * box() {
            return myBox;

        _MachineBase & machine() {
            return myMachine;

        // const: History can be manipulated even on a const object.
        void setHistory(_StateInstance * history) const {
            myHistory = history;

        _StateInstance * history() const {
            return myHistory;

        _MachineBase & myMachine;
        _StateSpecification * mySpecification;   // Instance of state class
        mutable _StateInstance * myHistory;
        _StateInstance * myParent;
        void * myBox;
        void * myBoxPlace;  // Reused box heap memory

    // StateInstance for Root state (the real top state).
    class _RootInstance : public _StateInstance {
        friend class _StateSpecification;

        _RootInstance(_MachineBase & machine, _StateInstance * parent)
            : _StateInstance(machine, parent)
            mySpecification = new _StateSpecification(*this);

        virtual ID id() {
            return 0;

        virtual Key key() {
            // Can't happen: key is only called by users, and they don't know about Root.
            assert(false); return 0;

        virtual void createBox() {}
        virtual void deleteBox() {}
        virtual void cloneBox(void * box) {}

        virtual const char * name() { return "Root"; }

        // 'Virtual constructor' needed for cloning.
        virtual _StateInstance * create(_MachineBase & machine, _StateInstance * parent) {
            return new _RootInstance(machine, parent);


    // StateInstance for substates (including Top ;-)
    // Has methods to create state specific objects.
    template<class S>
    class _SubstateInstance : public _StateInstance {
        template<class C, class P>
        friend class Link;

        _SubstateInstance(_MachineBase & machine, _StateInstance * parent)
            : _StateInstance(machine, parent)
            this->mySpecification = new S(*this);

        typedef typename S::Box Box;

        virtual ~_SubstateInstance() {
            if (this->myBox)
                Macho::_deleteBox<Box>(myBox, myBoxPlace);

        virtual const char * name() { return S::_state_name(); }

        virtual ID id() {
            return StateID<S>::value;

        virtual Key key() {
            return S::key();

        // 'Virtual constructor' needed for cloning.
        virtual _StateInstance * create(_MachineBase & machine, _StateInstance * parent) {
            return new _SubstateInstance<S>(machine, parent);

        virtual void createBox() {
            if (!this->myBox)
                this->myBox = Macho::_createBox<Box>(myBoxPlace);

        virtual void deleteBox() {
            Macho::_deleteBox<Box>(myBox, myBoxPlace);

        virtual void cloneBox(void * box) {
            // Needs copy constructor in ALL box types.
            myBox = Macho::_cloneBox<Box>(box);


    // Definitions for queuable event types

    // Generic interface for event objects (available only to MachineBase)
    class _IEventBase {
        virtual ~_IEventBase() {}
        virtual void dispatch(_StateInstance &) = 0;

    // Interface for event objects (bound to a top state)
    template<class TOP>
    class IEvent : protected _IEventBase {
        friend class Machine<TOP>;
        friend class TopBase<TOP>;

    // Event with four parameters
    template<class TOP, class R, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5, class P6>
    class _Event6 : public IEvent<TOP> {
        typedef R (TOP::*Signature)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6);

        _Event6(Signature handler, const typename DR<P1>::T & p1, const typename DR<P2>::T & p2, const typename DR<P3>::T & p3, const typename DR<P4>::T & p4, const typename DR<P5>::T & p5, const typename DR<P6>::T & p6)
            : myHandler(handler)
            , myParam1(p1)
            , myParam2(p2)
            , myParam3(p3)
            , myParam4(p4)
            , myParam5(p5)
            , myParam6(p6)

        void dispatch(_StateInstance & instance) {
            TOP & behaviour = static_cast<TOP &>(instance.specification());
            (behaviour.*myHandler)(myParam1, myParam2, myParam3, myParam4, myParam5, myParam6);

        Signature myHandler;
        typename DR<P1>::T myParam1;
        typename DR<P2>::T myParam2;
        typename DR<P3>::T myParam3;
        typename DR<P4>::T myParam4;
        typename DR<P5>::T myParam5;
        typename DR<P6>::T myParam6;

    // Event with four parameters
    template<class TOP, class R, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5>
    class _Event5 : public IEvent<TOP> {
        typedef R (TOP::*Signature)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5);

        _Event5(Signature handler, const typename DR<P1>::T & p1, const typename DR<P2>::T & p2, const typename DR<P3>::T & p3, const typename DR<P4>::T & p4, const typename DR<P5>::T & p5)
            : myHandler(handler)
            , myParam1(p1)
            , myParam2(p2)
            , myParam3(p3)
            , myParam4(p4)
            , myParam5(p5)

        void dispatch(_StateInstance & instance) {
            TOP & behaviour = static_cast<TOP &>(instance.specification());
            (behaviour.*myHandler)(myParam1, myParam2, myParam3, myParam4, myParam5);

        Signature myHandler;
        typename DR<P1>::T myParam1;
        typename DR<P2>::T myParam2;
        typename DR<P3>::T myParam3;
        typename DR<P4>::T myParam4;
        typename DR<P5>::T myParam5;

    // Event with four parameters
    template<class TOP, class R, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4>
    class _Event4 : public IEvent<TOP> {
        typedef R (TOP::*Signature)(P1, P2, P3, P4);

        _Event4(Signature handler, const typename DR<P1>::T & p1, const typename DR<P2>::T & p2, const typename DR<P3>::T & p3, const typename DR<P4>::T & p4)
            : myHandler(handler)
            , myParam1(p1)
            , myParam2(p2)
            , myParam3(p3)
            , myParam4(p4)

        void dispatch(_StateInstance & instance) {
            TOP & behaviour = static_cast<TOP &>(instance.specification());
            (behaviour.*myHandler)(myParam1, myParam2, myParam3, myParam4);

        Signature myHandler;
        typename DR<P1>::T myParam1;
        typename DR<P2>::T myParam2;
        typename DR<P3>::T myParam3;
        typename DR<P4>::T myParam4;

    // Event with three parameters
    template<class TOP, class R, class P1, class P2, class P3>
    class _Event3 : public IEvent<TOP> {
        typedef R (TOP::*Signature)(P1, P2, P3);

        _Event3(Signature handler, const typename DR<P1>::T & p1, const typename DR<P2>::T & p2, const typename DR<P3>::T & p3)
            : myHandler(handler)
            , myParam1(p1)
            , myParam2(p2)
            , myParam3(p3)

        void dispatch(_StateInstance & instance) {
            TOP & behaviour = static_cast<TOP &>(instance.specification());
            (behaviour.*myHandler)(myParam1, myParam2, myParam3);

        Signature myHandler;
        typename DR<P1>::T myParam1;
        typename DR<P2>::T myParam2;
        typename DR<P3>::T myParam3;

    // Event with two parameters
    template<class TOP, class R, class P1, class P2>
    class _Event2 : public IEvent<TOP> {
        typedef R (TOP::*Signature)(P1, P2);

        _Event2(Signature handler, const typename DR<P1>::T & p1, const typename DR<P2>::T & p2)
            : myHandler(handler)
            , myParam1(p1)
            , myParam2(p2)

        void dispatch(_StateInstance & instance) {
            TOP & behaviour = static_cast<TOP &>(instance.specification());
            (behaviour.*myHandler)(myParam1, myParam2);

        Signature myHandler;
        typename DR<P1>::T myParam1;
        typename DR<P2>::T myParam2;

    // Event with one parameter
    template<class TOP, class R, class P1>
    class _Event1 : public IEvent<TOP> {
        typedef R (TOP::*Signature)(P1);

        _Event1(Signature handler, const typename DR<P1>::T & p1)
            : myHandler(handler)
            , myParam1(p1)

        void dispatch(_StateInstance & instance) {
            TOP & behaviour = static_cast<TOP &>(instance.specification());

        Signature myHandler;
        typename DR<P1>::T myParam1;

    // Event with no parameters
    template<class TOP, class R>
    class _Event0 : public IEvent<TOP> {
        typedef R (TOP::*Signature)();

        _Event0(Signature handler)
            : myHandler(handler)

        void dispatch(_StateInstance & instance) {
            TOP & behaviour = static_cast<TOP &>(instance.specification());

        Signature myHandler;

    // Event creating functions using type inference
    template<class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5, class P6, class R, class TOP>
    inline IEvent<TOP> * Event(R (TOP::*handler)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6), const typename DR<P1>::T & p1, const typename DR<P2>::T & p2, const typename DR<P3>::T & p3, const typename DR<P4>::T & p4, const typename DR<P5>::T & p5, const typename DR<P6>::T & p6) {
        return new _Event6<TOP, R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>(handler, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6);

    // Event creating functions using type inference
    template<class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5, class R, class TOP>
    inline IEvent<TOP> * Event(R (TOP::*handler)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5), const typename DR<P1>::T & p1, const typename DR<P2>::T & p2, const typename DR<P3>::T & p3, const typename DR<P4>::T & p4, const typename DR<P5>::T & p5) {
        return new _Event5<TOP, R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>(handler, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);

    // Event creating functions using type inference
    template<class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class R, class TOP>
    inline IEvent<TOP> * Event(R (TOP::*handler)(P1, P2, P3, P4), const typename DR<P1>::T & p1, const typename DR<P2>::T & p2, const typename DR<P3>::T & p3, const typename DR<P4>::T & p4) {
        return new _Event4<TOP, R, P1, P2, P3, P4>(handler, p1, p2, p3, p4);

    template<class P1, class P2, class P3, class R, class TOP>
    inline IEvent<TOP> * Event(R (TOP::*handler)(P1, P2, P3), const typename DR<P1>::T & p1, const typename DR<P2>::T & p2, const typename DR<P3>::T & p3) {
        return new _Event3<TOP, R, P1, P2, P3>(handler, p1, p2, p3);

    template<class P1, class P2, class R, class TOP>
    inline IEvent<TOP> * Event(R (TOP::*handler)(P1, P2), const typename DR<P1>::T & p1, const typename DR<P2>::T & p2) {
        return new _Event2<TOP, R, P1, P2>(handler, p1, p2);

    template<class P1, class R, class TOP>
    inline IEvent<TOP> * Event(R (TOP::*handler)(P1), const typename DR<P1>::T & p1) {
        return new _Event1<TOP, R, P1>(handler, p1);

    template<class R, class TOP>
    inline IEvent<TOP> * Event(R (TOP::*handler)()) {
        return new _Event0<TOP, R>(handler);

} // namespace Macho

// MSVC++ 8.0 does not handle qualified member template friends:
// http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=101615
// Otherwise call could happen directly in Initializer classes.
class _VS8_Bug_101615 {
    template<class S, class P1>
    static inline void execute(Macho::_StateInstance & instance, const P1 & p1) {
        S & behaviour = static_cast<S &>(instance.specification());

    template<class S, class P1, class P2>
    static inline void execute(Macho::_StateInstance & instance, const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2) {
        S & behaviour = static_cast<S &>(instance.specification());
        behaviour.init(p1, p2);

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3>
    static inline void execute(Macho::_StateInstance & instance, const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3) {
        S & behaviour = static_cast<S &>(instance.specification());
        behaviour.init(p1, p2, p3);

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4>
    static inline void execute(Macho::_StateInstance & instance, const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4) {
        S & behaviour = static_cast<S &>(instance.specification());
        behaviour.init(p1, p2, p3, p4);

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5>
    static inline void execute(Macho::_StateInstance & instance, const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4, const P5 & p5) {
        S & behaviour = static_cast<S &>(instance.specification());
        behaviour.init(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5, class P6>
    static inline void execute(Macho::_StateInstance & instance, const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4, const P5 & p5, const P6 & p6) {
        S & behaviour = static_cast<S &>(instance.specification());
        behaviour.init(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6);


namespace Macho {

    // Base class for state initializers.
    // Initializer are used to provide parameters to states.
    // The 'execute' method of Initializers will call a state's init method with
    // the data of the initializer object.
    class _Initializer {
        virtual ~_Initializer() {}

        // Create copy of initializer.
        virtual _Initializer * clone() = 0;

        // Deallocate object.
        virtual void destroy() { delete this; }

        virtual Key adapt(Key key) { return key; }

        // Initialize given state. State is new current state of a state machine.
        virtual void execute(_StateInstance & instance) = 0;

    // Base class for Singleton initializers.
    class _StaticInitializer : public _Initializer {
        // Copy of Singleton is Singleton.
        virtual _Initializer * clone() { return this; }

        // Singletons are never destroyed.
        virtual void destroy() {}

    // Default initializer: provides no parameters, calls state's 'init' method
    // only.
    class _DefaultInitializer : public _StaticInitializer {
        virtual void execute(_StateInstance & instance) {

    // History initializer: provides no parameters, performs transition to
    // history of state if available.
    class _HistoryInitializer : public _StaticInitializer {
        virtual void execute(_StateInstance & instance) {

    // Special initializer: Helps alias impersonate as history state of given state.
    class _AdaptingInitializer : public _Initializer {
        _AdaptingInitializer(const _MachineBase & machine) : myMachine(machine) {}

        virtual void execute(_StateInstance & instance) {

        virtual _Initializer * clone() {
            return new _AdaptingInitializer(myMachine);

        virtual Key adapt(Key key);

        const _MachineBase & myMachine;

    // Initializers with one to six parameters.
    template<class S, class P1>
    class _Initializer1 : public _Initializer {
        _Initializer1(const P1 & p1)
            : myParam1(p1)

        virtual _Initializer * clone() {
            return new _Initializer1<S, P1>(myParam1);

        virtual void execute(_StateInstance & instance) {
            ::_VS8_Bug_101615::execute<S, P1>(instance, myParam1);

        P1 myParam1;

    template<class S, class P1, class P2>
    class _Initializer2 : public _Initializer {
        _Initializer2(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2)
            : myParam1(p1)
            , myParam2(p2)

        virtual _Initializer * clone() {
            return new _Initializer2<S, P1, P2>(myParam1, myParam2);

        void execute(_StateInstance & instance) {
            ::_VS8_Bug_101615::execute<S, P1, P2>(instance, myParam1, myParam2);

        P1 myParam1;
        P2 myParam2;

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3>
    class _Initializer3 : public _Initializer {
        _Initializer3(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3)
            : myParam1(p1)
            , myParam2(p2)
            , myParam3(p3)

        virtual _Initializer * clone() {
            return new _Initializer3<S, P1, P2, P3>(myParam1, myParam2, myParam3);

        void execute(_StateInstance & instance) {
            ::_VS8_Bug_101615::execute<S, P1, P2, P3>(instance, myParam1, myParam2, myParam3);

        P1 myParam1;
        P2 myParam2;
        P3 myParam3;

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4>
    class _Initializer4 : public _Initializer {
        _Initializer4(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, P4 & p4)
            : myParam1(p1)
            , myParam2(p2)
            , myParam3(p3)
            , myParam4(p4)

        virtual _Initializer * clone() {
            return new _Initializer4<S, P1, P2, P3, P4>(myParam1, myParam2, myParam3, myParam4);

        void execute(_StateInstance & instance) {
            ::_VS8_Bug_101615::execute<S, P1, P2, P3, P4>(instance, myParam1, myParam2, myParam3, myParam4);

        P1 myParam1;
        P2 myParam2;
        P3 myParam3;
        P4 myParam4;

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5>
    class _Initializer5 : public _Initializer {
        _Initializer5(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4, const P5 & p5)
            : myParam1(p1)
            , myParam2(p2)
            , myParam3(p3)
            , myParam4(p4)
            , myParam5(p5)

        virtual _Initializer * clone() {
            return new _Initializer5<S, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>(myParam1, myParam2, myParam3, myParam4, myParam5);

        void execute(_StateInstance & instance) {
            ::_VS8_Bug_101615::execute<S, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>(instance, myParam1, myParam2, myParam3, myParam4, myParam5);

        P1 myParam1;
        P2 myParam2;
        P3 myParam3;
        P4 myParam4;
        P5 myParam5;

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5, class P6>
    class _Initializer6 : public _Initializer {
        _Initializer6(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4, const P5 & p5, const P6 & p6)
            : myParam1(p1)
            , myParam2(p2)
            , myParam3(p3)
            , myParam4(p4)
            , myParam5(p5)
            , myParam6(p6)

        virtual _Initializer * clone() {
            return new _Initializer6<S, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>(myParam1, myParam2, myParam3, myParam4, myParam5, myParam6);

        void execute(_StateInstance & instance) {
            _VS8_Bug_101615::execute<S, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>(instance, myParam1, myParam2, myParam3, myParam4, myParam5, myParam6);

        P1 myParam1;
        P2 myParam2;
        P3 myParam3;
        P4 myParam4;
        P5 myParam5;
        P6 myParam6;

    // Singleton initializers.
    static _DefaultInitializer _theDefaultInitializer;
    static _HistoryInitializer _theHistoryInitializer;

    // Base class for Machine objects.
    class _MachineBase {
        class Alias currentState() const;


        // Transition to new state.
        void setState(_StateInstance & instance, _Initializer * init);

        // Transition to new state specified by state alias.
        void setState(const Alias & state);

        // Prepare transition to new state (performed on call to 'rattleOn').
        // There can be only one state transition pending (asserts otherwise)!
        // 'init' is an initializer for the new state.
        void setPendingState(_StateInstance & instance, _Initializer * init) {
            assert( (!myPendingState || (myPendingState == &instance && myPendingInit == init) ) &&
                    "There is already a state transition pending!");

            myPendingState = &instance;
            myPendingInit = init;

        // Provide event object to be executed on current state.
        void setPendingEvent(_IEventBase * event) {
            assert(!myPendingEvent && "There is already an event pending!");

            myPendingEvent = event;

        // Performs pending state transition.
        void rattleOn();

        // Get StateInstance object for ID.
        _StateInstance * & getInstance(ID id) {
            return myInstances[id];

        // Get StateInstance object for ID.
        const _StateInstance * getInstance(ID id) const {
            return myInstances[id];

        // Starts the machine with the specified start state.
        void start(_StateInstance & instance);
        void start(const Alias & state);

        // Shuts machine down. Will exit any states and free all allocated
        // resources.
        void shutdown();

        // Allocate space for pointers to StateInstance objects.
        void allocate(unsigned int count);

        // Free all StateInstance objects.
        void free(unsigned int count);

        void clearHistoryDeep(unsigned int count, const _StateInstance & instance);

        // Create a copy of another machines StateInstance objects (includes boxes).
        void copy(_StateInstance ** other, unsigned int count);

        // Create a copy of another machines StateInstance object.
        _StateInstance * createClone(ID id, _StateInstance * original);

        // C++ needs something like package visibility

        // for getInstance
        template<class C, class P>
        friend class Link;

        // for setPendingEvent
        template<class T>
        friend class TopBase;

        // for getInstance
        friend class _StateSpecification;

        // for getInstance
        friend class Alias;

        // for getInstance
        friend class _AdaptingInitializer;

        // for setPendingState
        friend class _StateInstance;

        // for Tests
        friend class ::TestAccess;

        // Current state of Machine object.
        _StateInstance * myCurrentState;

        // Information about pending state transition.
        _StateInstance * myPendingState;
        _Initializer * myPendingInit;

        // Deprecated!
        void * myPendingBox;

        _IEventBase * myPendingEvent;

        // Array of StateInstance objects.
        _StateInstance ** myInstances;

    // This is the base class for state aliases. A state alias represents a
    // state of a machine. A transition to that state can be initiated by
    // giving the alias object to the 'setState' method.
    // State aliases are created by the template functions 'State' further below.
    // Parameters can be provided to these functions that will be used to
    // initialize the state on transition to it.
    class Alias {
        explicit Alias(Key key, bool history = false)
            : myStateKey(key)
            , myInitializer(
                    history ?
                        static_cast<_Initializer *>(&_theHistoryInitializer)
                        static_cast<_Initializer *>(&_theDefaultInitializer)

        Alias(Key key, _Initializer * init)
            : myStateKey(key)
            , myInitializer(init)

        Alias(const Alias & other)
            : myStateKey(other.myStateKey)
            , myInitializer(other.myInitializer->clone())

        Alias & operator=(const Alias & other) {
            if (this == &other) return *this;


            myStateKey = other.myStateKey;
            myInitializer = other.myInitializer->clone();

            return *this;

        ~Alias() {

        operator Key() const {
            return key();

        bool isChild(Key k) const {
            return key()->childPredicate(k);

        bool isParent(Key k) const {
            return static_cast<_KeyData *>(k)->childPredicate(key());

        const char * name() const {
            return key()->name();

        ID id() const {
            return key()->id;

        friend class _MachineBase;
        friend class _StateSpecification;

        void setState(_MachineBase & machine) const;

        _KeyData * key() const { return static_cast<_KeyData *>(myInitializer->adapt(myStateKey)); }

        // Key of specified state.
        Key myStateKey;

        // Initializer of this alias.
        _Initializer * myInitializer;

    // Deprecated: alias for Alias
    typedef Alias StateAlias;

    // Create alias with 0 to 6 parameters.
    template<class S>
    Alias State() {
        return Alias(S::key());

    template<class S, class P1>
    Alias State(const P1 & p1) {
        return Alias(S::key(), new _Initializer1<S, P1>(p1));

    template<class S, class P1, class P2>
    Alias State(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2) {
        return Alias(S::key(), new _Initializer2<S, P1, P2>(p1, p2));

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3>
    Alias State(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3) {
        return Alias(S::key(), new _Initializer3<S, P1, P2, P3>(p1, p2, p3));

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4>
    Alias State(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4) {
        return Alias(S::key(), new _Initializer4<S, P1, P2, P3, P4>(p1, p2, p3, p4));

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5>
    Alias State(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4, const P5 & p5) {
        return Alias(S::key(), new _Initializer5<S, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5));

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5, class P6>
    Alias State(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4, const P5 & p5, const P6 & p6) {
        return Alias(S::key(), new _Initializer6<S, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6));

    // Create alias for state's history: not the current history state, but
    // really the history of a state. This means that the alias may point to
    // different states during its life. Needs a machine instance to take history from.
    template<class S>
    Alias StateHistory(const _MachineBase & machine) {
        return Alias(S::key(), new _AdaptingInitializer(machine));

    // Snapshot of a machine object.
    // Saves the state of a machine object at a specific point in time to be restored
    // later (can be used to achieve something like backtracking).
    // Includes boxes of current state and persistent boxes.
    // Assign a snapshot to a machine (operator=) to restore state.
    // Note that no exit/entry actions of the overwritten machine state are performed!
    // Box destructors however are executed!
    template<class TOP>
    class Snapshot : public _MachineBase {
        Snapshot(Machine<TOP> & machine);

        ~Snapshot() {

        friend class Machine<TOP>;

        Snapshot(const Snapshot<TOP> & other);
        Snapshot & operator=(const Snapshot<TOP> & other);

    // A Machine object maintains a current state.
    // The state can be any substate of template parameter TOP.
    // TOP is the Machine's top most and inital state. TOP must be defined by
    // the macro TOPSTATE. Event processing is done by calling methods (event
    // handlers) on the current state.
    // This is realized by defining an arrow ('->') operator on Machine,
    // forwarding to the interface of TOP.
    // Every possible event handler to be called must therefore appear in the
    // interface of TOP. Events are dispatched by using this operator on a
    // Machine object (e.g. 'machine->event()').
    template<class TOP>
    class Machine : public _MachineBase {

        // This class performs an action in its destructor after an event
        // handler has finished. Comparable to an After Advice in AOP.
        struct AfterAdvice {
            AfterAdvice(Machine<TOP> & m) : myMachine(m) {}

            // Event handler has finished execution. Execute pending transitions now.
            ~AfterAdvice() { myMachine.rattleOn(); }

            // this arrow operator finally dispatches to TOP interface.
            TOP * operator->() {
                return static_cast<TOP *>(& (myMachine.myCurrentState->specification()) );

            Machine<TOP> & myMachine;

        // State machine instance can be initialized with a top state box.
        Machine(typename TOP::Box * box = 0) {
            // Compile time check: TOP must directly derive from TopBase<TOP>
            typedef typename _SameType<TopBase<TOP>, typename TOP::SUPER>::Check MustDeriveFromTopBase;


            _StateInstance & top = TOP::_getInstance(*this);


        // Initialize with a state alias object to have machine go to a state
        // other than TOP on startup. Box of top state may also be initialized.
        Machine(const Alias & state, typename TOP::Box * box = 0) {
            // Compile time check: TOP must directly derive from TopBase<TOP>
            typedef typename _SameType<TopBase<TOP>, typename TOP::SUPER>::Check MustDeriveFromTopBase;


            _StateInstance & top = TOP::_getInstance(*this);


        // Create machine from a snapshot.
        Machine(const Snapshot<TOP> & snapshot) {
            copy(snapshot.myInstances, theStateCount);

        // Overwrite current machine state by snapshot.
        Machine<TOP> & operator=(const Snapshot<TOP> & snapshot) {


            copy(snapshot.myInstances, theStateCount);

            // Go to Root state first
            myCurrentState = getInstance(0);

            // Then set previous current state
            _StateInstance * current = getInstance(snapshot.myCurrentState->id());

            return *this;

        ~Machine() {

        // Don't return pointer to interface right now: we need to know when the
        // event handler has finished; return an AfterAdvice object instead:
        // it allows us to perform actions after access.
        AfterAdvice operator->() {

            // We need to know when the event handler has finished.
            return AfterAdvice(*this);

        // Dispatch an event object to machine.
        void dispatch(IEvent<TOP> * event, bool destroy = true) {

            if (destroy) delete event;


        // Allow (const) access to top state's box (for state data extraction).
        const typename TOP::Box & box() const {
            return static_cast<TOP &>(myCurrentState->specification()).TOP::box();

        template<class C, class P>
        friend class Link;

        Machine(const Machine<TOP> & other);
        Machine<TOP> & operator=(const Machine<TOP> & other);

        friend class Snapshot<TOP>;

        template<class T> friend class StateID;

        // Next free identifier for StateInstance objects.
        static ID theStateCount;

    // Root is always there and has ID 0, so start from 1
    template<class TOP>
    ID Machine<TOP>::theStateCount = 1;

    // Each state has a unique ID number.
    // The identifiers are consecutive integers starting from zero,
    // which allows use as index into a vector for fast access.
    // 'Root' always has zero as id.
    template<class S>
    const ID StateID<S>::value = Machine<typename S::TOP>::theStateCount++;

    // Implementation for StateSpecification

    // Initiate state transition with 0 to six parameters.
    template<class S>
    inline void _StateSpecification::setState() {
        _MachineBase & m = _myStateInstance.machine();
        _StateInstance & instance = S::_getInstance(m);
        m.setPendingState(instance, &_theDefaultInitializer);

    template<class S, class P1>
    inline void _StateSpecification::setState(const P1 & p1) {
        _MachineBase & m = _myStateInstance.machine();
        _StateInstance & instance = S::_getInstance(m);
        m.setPendingState(instance, new _Initializer1<S, P1>(p1));

    template<class S, class P1, class P2>
    inline void _StateSpecification::setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2) {
        _MachineBase & m = _myStateInstance.machine();
        _StateInstance & instance = S::_getInstance(m);
        m.setPendingState(instance, new _Initializer2<S, P1, P2>(p1, p2));

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3>
    inline void _StateSpecification::setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3) {
        _MachineBase & m = _myStateInstance.machine();
        _StateInstance & instance = S::_getInstance(m);
        m.setPendingState(instance, new _Initializer3<S, P1, P2, P3>(p1, p2, p3));

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4>
    inline void _StateSpecification::setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4) {
        _MachineBase & m = _myStateInstance.machine();
        _StateInstance & instance = S::_getInstance(m);
        m.setPendingState(instance, new _Initializer4<S, P1, P2, P3, P4>(p1, p2, p3, p4));

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5>
    inline void _StateSpecification::setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4, const P5 & p5) {
        _MachineBase & m = _myStateInstance.machine();
        _StateInstance & instance = S::_getInstance(m);
        m.setPendingState(instance, new _Initializer5<S, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5));

    template<class S, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5, class P6>
    inline void _StateSpecification::setState(const P1 & p1, const P2 & p2, const P3 & p3, const P4 & p4, const P5 & p5, const P6 & p6) {
        _MachineBase & m = _myStateInstance.machine();
        _StateInstance & instance = S::_getInstance(m);
        m.setPendingState(instance, new _Initializer6<S, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6>(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6));

    // Initiate state transition to a state's history.
    template<class S>
    inline void _StateSpecification::setStateHistory() {
        _MachineBase & m = _myStateInstance.machine();
        _StateInstance & instance = S::_getInstance(m);
        m.setPendingState(instance, &_theHistoryInitializer);

    // Deprecated!
    template<class S>
    inline void _StateSpecification::setStateBox(typename S::Box * box) {
        _MachineBase & m = _myStateInstance.machine();
        _StateInstance & instance = S::_getInstance(m);
        m.myPendingBox = box;
        m.setPendingState(instance, &_theHistoryInitializer);

    // Deprecated!
    template<class S>
    inline void _StateSpecification::setStateDirect(typename S::Box * box) {
        _MachineBase & m = _myStateInstance.machine();
        _StateInstance & instance = S::_getInstance(m);
        m.myPendingBox = box;
        m.setPendingState(instance, &_theDefaultInitializer);

    // Implementation for TopBase
    template<class T>
    inline void TopBase<T>::dispatch(IEvent<TOP> * event) {

    template<class T>
    // Returns current state machine instance.
    inline _MachineBase & TopBase<T>::machine() {
        return this->_myStateInstance.machine();

    // Implementation for Link
    template<class C, class P>
    inline Link<C, P>::Link(_StateInstance & instance)
        : P(P::_getInstance(instance.machine()))
        // Can't initialize _myStateInstance with _getInstance,
        // because this would result in an endless loop (at least for first call)
        , _myStateInstance(instance)

    // This method keeps '_myStateInstance' attribute private.
    template<class C, class P>
    inline void * Link<C, P>::_box() {
        return _myStateInstance.box();

    // Default behaviour: free box on exit.
    template<class C, class P>
    inline void Link<C, P>::_deleteBox(_StateInstance & instance) {

    // Create StateInstance object of state.
    template<class C, class P>
    /* static */ inline _StateInstance & Link<C, P>::_getInstance(_MachineBase & machine) {
        // Look first in machine for existing StateInstance.
        _StateInstance * & instance = machine.getInstance(StateID<C>::value);
        if (!instance)
            // Will create parent StateInstance object if not already created.
            instance = new _SubstateInstance<C>(machine, &P::_getInstance(machine));

        return *instance;

    template<class C, class P>
    /* static */ inline bool Link<C, P>::isCurrent(const _MachineBase & machine) {
        return machine.currentState().isChild(key());

    // Deprecated!
    template<class C, class P>
    /* static */ inline bool Link<C, P>::isCurrentDirect(const _MachineBase & machine) {
        return key() == machine.currentState();

    template<class C, class P>
    /* static */ void Link<C, P>::clearHistory(_MachineBase & machine) {
        const _StateInstance * instance = machine.getInstance(StateID<C>::value);
        if (instance)

    template<class C, class P>
    /* static */ void Link<C, P>::clearHistoryDeep(_MachineBase & machine) {
        const _StateInstance * instance = machine.getInstance(StateID<C>::value);
        if (instance)
            machine.clearHistoryDeep(Machine<TOP>::theStateCount, *instance);

    template<class C, class P>
    /* static */ Alias Link<C, P>::history(const _MachineBase & machine) {
        const _StateInstance * instance = machine.getInstance(StateID<C>::value);
        _StateInstance * history = 0;

        if (instance)
            history = instance->history();

        return Alias(history ? history->key() : key());

    template<class C, class P>
    /* static */ inline Key Link<C, P>::key() {
        static _KeyData k = { _getInstance, isChild, C::_state_name, StateID<C>::value };
        return &k;

    template<class C, class P>
    /* static */ inline Alias Link<C, P>::alias() {
        return Alias(key());

    // Implementation for Snapshot
    template<class TOP>
    Snapshot<TOP>::Snapshot(Machine<TOP> & machine) {

        copy(machine.myInstances, Machine<TOP>::theStateCount);

        myCurrentState = getInstance(machine.myCurrentState->id());

} // namespace Macho

#endif // __MACHO_HPP__